Season 2, Episode 303: The Challenges with Your Self-Help Efforts

In this Best Of episode, your host, Michael Neeley will take you on a discovery of the reasons why your efforts at personal development (self-help) have fallen short or missed the mark.

getting started

While the self-improvement genre continues to grow by leaps and bounds, do you ever wonder why people keep devouring the material? Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that if the books (or workshops or seminars) were working, that we wouldn’t ever need to buy another self-help book again?

YET, statistics have proven otherwise.

From his work in the development of his book, The Art of Forgetting, Michael has distilled the challenge down to three basic elements, which he shares in this podcast episode.

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Season 2, Episode 302: Katie Kozlowski – Self-Realization Coach, Healer & Spiritual Teacher

Today’s guest is Katie Kozlowski. Katie is a self-realization coach, healer and spiritual teacher that focuses on teaching us how to love ourselves whole. Her area of expertise lies within embracing the true self, healing the inner child and uncovering hidden blocks, limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns that keep us stuck and unhappy.

Katie holds certifications in NLP, Rising Star, Reiki, is a Mums List Legacy Leader and a student of master healer and psychotherapist Derek O’Neill. Her book and signature course Loving To Be Me is due out in June 2016.

You can find out more about her at, and get access to her free guided meditation here:

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Season 2, Episode 301: Stasha Washburn – Hormonal Balance & Business Coach

Today’s guest is Stasha Washburn. Stasha’s story is one of healing. Healing her painful, crippling periods and learning to run a business WHILE healing. Stasha had to run her coaching business every day with her menstrual cycle in mind.

Being a Hormonal Balance Coach and working with FEMpreneurs lead her to create her own system for incorporating the feminine into business and using their own personal cycle to create a business that literally runs WITH you.

Now Stasha focuses on ending the Taboo of Women and Menstruation to create an empowered world for women everywhere!

You can find out more about Stasha at and our lady can join her Facebook Group at the link you’ll find on my show notes or at

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Season 2, Episode 300: Adelé Green – Transformation Specialist & International Author

Today’s guest is Adelé Green. Adelé is a Transformation Specialist and International Author with a private practice since 2007. She is twice published will help you with changes in your life.

Adelé Green Canvas

Adelé hosts a chat show called “Naked with Adelé” and has appeared in magazines, on TV and in radio. She currently resides in Johannesburg, South Africa, but works with clients around the world.

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Season 2, Episode 299: Derek Loudermilk – Adventurer, Coach & Podcast Host

Today’s guest is Derek Loudermilk. After wrapping up his master’s degree in microbiology at Montana State in May 2014, Derek set off on a year-long adventure to explore the world and run his business. So far in his life, he have been to 27 countries and all 50 US states, and lived on four continents.

Derek values traveling slowly and really getting to know and participate in a culture.

He is currently living in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia where he surfs, does yoga, meditates, hikes, runs, reads, writes, gives talks, coaches, explores, SCUBA dives, and eats lots, in addition to hosting the Art of Adventure podcast!

As someone who has a broad range of interests and multiple career transitions, Derek’s goals is to teach others how to learn what they need to know to navigate each new ‘ecosystem’ of life.

You can find out more about him at

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Please, don’t forget to subscribe to Consciously Speaking so that you don’t miss a single episode, and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

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Season 2, Episode 298: Aaron Anastasi – Life Coach, Author, Singing Mentor

Today’s guest is Aaron Anastasi. Aaron is a Southern California native who graduated with a master’s degree from Princeton where he studied philosophy and psychology.

He is also the founder and coach of the internationally recognized, Superior Singing Method, an online singing lesson program that grosses 7-figures annually. With over 10,000,000 views and 100,000 subscribers, Aaron has the #1 singing/life lesson channel on YouTube.

He is also a prominent life coach for clients in industry-leading roles ranging from film directors to marine biologists to TEDx speakers.

His book, The Voice of Your Dreams, is available on now.

You can find out more about Aaron at

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Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.

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Season 2, Episode 297: Orsolya Bartalis – Mindset Mentor and Success Coach

Today’s guest is Orsolya Bartalis. Orsolya knows all about setting goals and achieving them! She decided at the ripe old age of 16 that she wanted to live in Australia, so just one year later she’d migrated there on her own. Since then she has discovered half of Australia and gained vast life experience in the customer service, hospitality and real estate industries.

With her driving desire to bring out the best in people, Orsolya has spent the last 12 years working in Human Resources with people in evaluating their career priorities and inspiring them to set goals for their personal development. She even took her career to the next level, completing the award-winning coaching program of Beyond Success.

Having created financial freedom and exiting the workforce on her own terms, she then set a personal mission to inspire 10,000 people to make a change from feeling stuck in their 9-5 job to creating a life filled with purpose, passion and prosperity.

You can find out more about Orsolya at

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Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.

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Season 2, Episode 296: Jeremy Walker – Hypnotherapist & DeMartini Method Expert

Today’s guest is Jeremy Walker. Jeremy is the owner of Inspire Hypnotherapy, which operates in Brisbane Australia. His background is in Hypnotherapy, Psychosomatic Therapy and the Demartini Method. He has been practicing as a therapist since 2010 and has worked with 700 clients in one-to-one sessions.

Jeremy focuses on helping people with addictions, weight loss, psychosomatic health and relationship conflicts. He is highly passionate about helping people to gain a balanced perspective in their life and return to an inspired way of living.

Jeremy’s mission is to share a message with 1 million people over the next 4 years and to impact 20,000 lives in consultations and trainings. As high as his business goals are, so too is his love of beauty and adventure. In September 2016, Jeremy will be hiking to Mt Everest Base Camp, something he is currently training for.

You can find out more about him at

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Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.

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Season 2, Episode 295: Billie Sue Borgmeyer Memorial Episode

This Memorial Episode is dedicated to my mother, Billie Sue Borgmeyer, and includes a very personal look at my deepest “Why”. Not the “Start with Why” that Simon Sinek made famous in his book with that title, but the deeper WHY that set me on a journey far from home in search of something of which I more frequently doubt the importance.

While I challenge you to take up the question for yourself, I also want you to know that I offer no real answers here. It is something I am still exploring on my own.

My mother was born with the name of Billie Sue, but grew up being called “Lizzie”, “Billie” or just plain “Sue” – though she was always far from plain.

She became Billie Sue Neeley when she married Bill Neeley, the brother of her best friend, Billie Sue Neeley (later Throneberry)… and this was just the start of the craziness that really was the essence of our family.

Together they had six children, Theresa Sue, Larry Allan (deceased), Gary David (aka “Peewee”), William Paul (deceased – Season 2, Episode 251), Michael Kelly (that’s me), and Lisa Clarann (her favorite child… at least according to the obituary… which Lisa wrote and submitted to the papers… we all laughed).

And that was our nature. There was probably as much laughter at my mother’s funeral service as there were tears. We knew how to celebrate life and my mom wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. You’ll catch much of that humor in this episode.

My parents divorced when I was young, and mom later married Bernard Borgmeyer, who was with her for 42 years… right up to the end. His only son, my step-brother Ronnie, died a couple of months ago (Season 2, Episode 270), and now Bernie is stuck with last four of the “Wild Bunch”… well, us and about a gazillion grandkids and great grandkids.

Good luck, Bernie! 😉

If you want to purchase The Conscious Life Summit, use the coupon code EARLYBIRD upon checkout and you’ll get it for only $47. That offer will end very soon (check now to see if it is still available for you).

Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.

Please, don’t forget to subscribe to Consciously Speaking so that you don’t miss a single episode, and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

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Season 2, Episode 294: Devin Slavin – Conscious Webpreneur and Online Course Creation Mentor

Today’s guest is Devin Slavin. Conscious Webpreneur is Devin’s calling, and for the past 10 years, he has fully immersed himself in an exploration of leadership, sustainability, and online business. As the world becomes increasingly challenged by environmental and social issues, it has become clear to Devin that he is here to help conscious leaders gain traction in making their visionary projects a reality. He believes the Earth and all people need this new leadership to rise up and thrive while we still have a chance to turn around the crises we face.

Luckily, Devin has been blessed with the opportunity to experience tremendous success in growing online businesses – building online platforms, creating just about every major type of online product or program out there – and now wish to use these skills and knowledge to empower others to do the same!

Devin Slavin is a conscious business coach and consultant who helps leaders and change-makers create their online business platform, share their message with the world, and thrive financially while making a difference.

He’s also the host of the Online Course Creation Summit – where he’ll be interviewing 40 of the best online entrepreneurs and course experts from around the world on how to design, build and launch your own world-changing online course.

Today’s show is being brought to you by the Online Course Creation Summit! Reserve your spot today while it is still absolutely FREE.

And don’t forget that The Conscious Life Summit 2016 begins this Friday, June 3rd.

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Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.

Please, don’t forget to subscribe to Consciously Speaking so that you don’t miss a single episode, and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

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