In this topical content episode, Michael is joined by Holli Kenley (Season 1, Episode 138) as they take on a deep dive into our increasingly disconnected lives.

As a society, the more ways we have to connect electronically it seems the less and less we actually connect face-to-face, thereby losing some aspect of our abilities to interact in the “real” world.
Michael and Holly will cover the following issues:
- Cyber-bullying (why it crops up so readily)
- Lost context (or the “cons” of “text”ing) and what to do about it
- Helping our children to balance their virtual and physical community
- Why empathy may be getting lost online
- …and more!
Here is the poem that Holli wrote and shares in this episode:
Face to Face: Unwired
It was last summer, but I remember as if it were yesterday,
The image forever etched upon my soul.
A family gathered together sharing barbeque with close friends,
No technology to fill the space – only conversation and eager ears.With plates of lean steak, bowls of salads, and baskets of breads passed among us,
The young adults home from college filled their bellies and we ours.
Dad bantered with his grown children and laughter sprinkled over the table,
No technology to distract attention – eyes on the speaker and minds present.The flow of food and drink continued for hours and yet it flew by,
Family stories told from years past and we too told our own.
Mom’s nurturing spirit brought warmth to more delicate conversation,
No technology to interrupt the flow of empathy – each person available for the other.Stomach beckoned for a pause, but soon deserts galore arrived,
And a calm settled in as the sun started to disappear.
Plans, dreams, and hopes were explored – each one creating a sparkle,
No technology to dim the glow – similar visions captured and shared by all.Darkness came too quickly as final words embraced the night,
With winks and spars, young adults took their cues to clear and to clean.
Older adults were left to say their thanks, goodbyes, and next-times,
No technology still – only eyes on eyes and arms reaching for hugs.Walking to our car, I felt full for the first time in a long time,
Realizing that what I devoured was so rare, so missed, so needed.
No social pathogens – just hungry hearts feasting on a buffet of connection,
And savoring each and every morsel of being – of simply being present for one another.~ Holli Kenley
You can find out more about Holli at
Can’t get enough of Consciously Speaking’s host? Listen to him being interviewed on Conscious Millionaire and Dear Friends & Family this week! Get to know two different aspects of the same guy.
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